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Emergent Simplicity in Biophysical Dynamics

Organizers: Sri Iyer-Biswas and Petra Levin
07/13/2021 - 07/17/2021

2021 Participants:

Name             Affiliation
Alex Bisson Brandeis
Amy Schmid Duke
Anjana Badrinarayanan NCBS
Arpita Bose Wash U
Chris Kempes Santa Fe Institute
Christine Jacobs-Wagner     Stanford
Erin Goley Johns Hopkins
Ethan Garner Harvard
Gene Wei Li MIT
Hanna Salman U Pittsburgh
Jade (Jue) Wang U Wisconsin (Madison)
Jie Xiao Johns Hopkins
Julie Biteen U Michigan
Karine Gibbs Berkeley
Keren Lasker Scripps
Kevin Wood U Michigan
Kimberly Reynolds UT Southwestern
Mark Goulian U Penn
Massimiliano Esposito U Luxembourg
Michael Rust U Chicago
Ned Wingreen Princeton
Pam Brown Mizzou (Columbia)
Rosemary Braun Northwestern
Sander Tans AMOLF
Shashi Thutupalli NCBS
Suckjoon Jun UCSD


For detailed schedule click here.

2022 edition of the workshop:

Please visit this link.

Meeting Description:

The focus of the 2021 edition of the workshop is:
Biological control of adaptive homeostasis under time varying changes in environment conditions

As before, the intent is to bring together scientists specializing in high-precision measurement techniques; genetic engineering tools; statistical learning methods; and physics theory frameworks, to catalyze collaborations that transcend field boundaries and advance the goal of understanding life as an emergent phenomenon.


We wish to ensure an intimate workshop setting, with ~25 participants. If you are interested in attending, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer before registering.

TSRC is about pushing the frontiers of science, exploring new ideas, and building collaborations. To facilitate this objective, participants will be limited and the workshop schedule will allow for substantial unstructured time for participants to talk and think. All participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop. Scientists are encouraged to consider bringing family or friends. Telluride offers a number of options for children's camps (including Telluride Academy, Aha School for the Arts, and Pinhead Institute). Feel free to contact TSRC's staff to help with any planning and/or coordinating care.