Living timekeepers: Precision measurements, emergent simplicities and physics theory: APS-DBIO Symposium Session, Proposed and Chaired by Srividya Iyer-Biswas, APS March Meeting, 2021
Evolution of Cellular Complexity: APS-DBIO Symposium Session, Proposed and Chaired by Srividya Iyer-Biswas, APS March Meeting, 2021; co-chair Wallace Marshall
Irreversible dynamics and aging: from cells to organisms: Focus session, APS March Meeting, 2021; co-chair: Chris Kempes
Theory meets high-precision biology: emergent simplicity in stochastic organismal dynamics: APS-DBIO Symposium Session, Proposed and Chaired by Srividya Iyer-Biswas, cancelled due to COVID19, APS March Meeting, 2020